Looking for a Family Physician?
Bonnyville Medical Clinic
4610 50 Street Bonnyville, AB
Not currently accepting new patients.
Call to be added to waitlist for a Family Physician4610 50 Street Bonnyville, AB
Phone 780-826-3346
Rocket Doctor - Virtual
Primary or Acute Care Appointment with a Doctor
Connect with a doctor in Alberta for a primary care consultation. Through Rocket Doctor’s platform, you can see and speak to the doctor virtually, just like you’re in the clinic.
The doctor can assess symptoms or concerns through a video or audio visit in order to diagnose, prescribe medication, handle refills, write lab requisitions, order imaging, refer to a specialist and more.
Book a virtual appointment with an Alberta doctor.
FREE with Alberta Health Card
Phone 1-867-670-2273
https://rocketdoctor.ca/ -
Associate Medical Clinic
4813-49 Avenue Bonnyville, AB
Currently accepting New Patients.
Phone 780-826-5651
Physician: Dr. Mannion
Walk In Clinic Hours
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm -
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